The Second Coming of Jesus Christ

Read 333.) I Thessalonians 5, II Thessalonians 1:1-3:18 and Acts 18:12-19:22. The theme of the End-Times predominates in the two Thessalonian letters. We end I Thessalonians with chapter 5, where Paul is still teaching concerning Christ’s Return, and then some final instructions. In chapter 5 verses 1-11, Paul makes it clear that we cannot know when Jesus will return, but that we are to always be ready. This was that very same message Jesus repeatedly taught His disciples during His final week known as Passion Week. See especially how frequently He said the very same in Mt. 24+25, Mk.13 and Lk.21. Please read 5:11 and relate it to 4:18. What are we to be encouraged by, and that we are to encourage others with, is that which is stated for us by Paul in 4:15-17 and 5:9+10. Read those again and be encouraged! These words ought to thrill your soul!!!

Paul closes with final admonitions related to the proper living of the 9.) New Life in Christ. Note each instruction and measure your own life by them… and note this one thing, 5:23 speaks to the important teaching about man. According to this verse, it would appear that we are tri-partite, or spirit, soul, and body. It would be worthwhile to write separately on what these are, and what becomes of each part upon the instances of the first, and the second death, as taught us in scripture.

II Thessalonians is of 47 verses in total… 18 speak of the End-Times and was also written about AD 51 or maybe 52.

Chapter 1 opens with Paul’s typical greeting and commends their ever-growing faith and love in the face of severe persecution! May ours do the same! Paul then goes to Christ’s Return with 1:7-10. The fuller telling of this event is to be found in Revelation 19:11f. Check that out! Paul closes by praying that they will continue strong in the faith!

Chapter 2 gives more detail of the End-Times. We learn of the man of lawlessness, who is the beast or anti-Christ of the Revelation; the end-times, one-world ruler! He will proclaim himself to be God and demand all the world worship him! Note especially Revelation 13:1-10 and Daniel 9:27. Verses 8-11 give some more detail, and also coincides with Revelation 19:19+20 where this beast is ultimately destroyed. This chapter also ends on strong words of our salvation by means of believing Paul’s Gospel. It is a glorious work of the Spirit resulting in our sharing in Christ’s glory!

Chapter 3 brings us a number of instructions. The first is for prayer, for the rapid spread of the Gospel and personal deliverance from wicked and evil persons. Then, comes a strong admonition to work to meet one’s own needs and to do right.

We close with Acts 18:12-19:22, and conclude Paul’s Second Missionary Journey, and take up his Third! Paul is in Corinth when he wrote to the Thessalonians. He’d remained there for more than a year and a half but is now headed back for Israel.

With 18:23, Paul commences a Third Missionary Journey and returned to those churches he’d first founded in Galatia. The last passage of chapter 18 tells us of one Apollos, who was a very learned Jew in their own Bible and became a Christian believer through Priscilla and Aquila… (might he most logically be the writer of the letter to the Hebrews?)

With Acts 19, we first learn of some converts of John the Baptist more than 20 years after John had been beheaded, as we are now at AD 53. These had not yet learned of Jesus and the Holy Spirit. After Paul led them to Christ, they were baptized and received the Holy Spirit with evidence, which continued to demonstrate the transitional nature from Old Testament Jewish religion through the ministry of John the Baptist, unto simple trusting faith in the work and person of Jesus Christ. And again, this example differs from each of the others we’d seen, showing it is not normative for today and is the last such transitional kind of Christian conversion experience as this transitional period is nearing its end. We are to look to the teaching of the epistles for that which is to be expected since this period, for that which is the norm for all who come to saving faith today. This will be readily demonstrated shortly.

Paul remained in Ephesus for more than 2 years says 19:8-10. But v.11 speaks of Paul working extraordinary miracles, again confirming his ministry as an Apostle and his Gospel message as being saving truth… the transitional period still being in force. The almost comical account of the 7 sons of Sceva is told, and a report of a revival resulting in considerable open repentance from the occult then took place in Ephesus. Paul and the Gospel were turning the world “right side up!” It’s what the Book is all about!


Harold F Crowell

About ForeverKingdom

I am an evangelical Christian who has been a reader and a student of the Word of God for more than 4 decades. I want to share my discoveries from out of the Word of God for the edification of others.
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